Saturday Night Live has been around so long, it's only natural that you are curious about the origins on how it began. While SATURDAY NIGHT looks into the starting moments before the first episode aired, it will leave you with more curiosity than you think.

At 11:30pm on October 11th, 1975, a ferocious troupe of young comedians and writers changed television forever. Find out what happened behind the scenes in the 90 minutes leading up to the first broadcast of Saturday Night Live.
Some actors not only steal the whole movie, they will be on your mind days after viewing this one. Dylan O'Brien, who portrays Dan Aykroyd in the film, is one to keep your eyes on. The way he plays Aykroyd is spot on, on how Aykroyd is. The way he brings the 70s version of Aykroyd on screen is masterful, and will bring you back to a different time.
Matt Wood as John Belushi and Cory Michael Smith as Chevy Chase also bring spot on performances. The entire cast will make you think you're watching a documentary more than an actor portraly film.

While the comedy is here, it's a different style. If you are not a fan of how the TV show Saturday Night Live runs, you may not find yourself laughing as much. Which seems odd, since this isn't a live adaptation, it's a retelling of actual events before the first episode.
However, there are some real laughable moments. These moments will make you chuckle and laugh until the next scene. So make sure you are ready for that.
While SATURDAY NIGHT isn't the perfect, funny film I assumed it would have been, it's still a great watch. The characters on screen will bring you a feeling of a great movie. And while most of the actors are newish, the talent is still there, and we will have to watch out for these actors going forward. As they have brought there a game in this movie, you'll be wanting to see more of them to come.
SATURDAY NIGHT is in theaters on October 11th, 2024.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5

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