August 03, 2024
By: Daniel Schwartz | August 2nd, 2024

TRAP, directed by M. Night Shyamalan, is a psychological thriller that delves into the harrowing events of a single night, focusing on a serial killer's desperate attempts to evade capture while attending a concert with his daughter. The film's premise, while intriguing, ultimately results in a mixed bag, showcasing Shyamalan's strengths as a director of suspense and complex characters, while also highlighting his tendency to prioritize plot twists over narrative consistency.

Josh Hartnett delivers a compelling performance as Cooper, a man leading a double life as a caring father and a notorious serial killer. His nuanced portrayal of a man torn between his love for his daughter and his murderous instincts is one of the film's highlights. Ariel Donoghue, playing Cooper daughter Riley, also shines in her role, bringing innocence and vulnerability to the screen that contrasts sharply with the unfolding chaos.

Shyamalan's direction is marked by his usual flair for suspense and atmosphere. The concert setting, with its dim lighting and intense sound design, serves as an effective backdrop for the unfolding drama. He skillfully uses the music and the crowd's energy to amplify the tension, making the audience feel the weight of Cooper predicament. However, Shyamalan's penchant for twists feels somewhat forced in "Trap." The final revelation, while surprising, lacks the impact of some of his previous films, feeling more like a narrative necessity than a natural culmination of the story.

The screenplay, also penned by Shyamalan, tackles complex themes such as duality, redemption, and the consequences of past actions. The dialogue is sharp and often poignant, especially in the interactions between Cooper and Lily. However, the film struggles with pacing issues. The first half builds tension effectively, but the second half becomes bogged down with exposition and slower scenes that detract from the mounting suspense. Additionally, while the flashbacks provide necessary context, they sometimes disrupt the narrative flow.

Overall, TRAP is a film that succeeds in parts but falls short of being a standout in Shyamalan's filmography. Its strengths lie in its performances, particularly by Josh Hartnett and Ariel Donoghue, and its atmospheric direction. However, the uneven narrative structure, pacing issues, and an underwhelming twist diminish its overall impact. While "Trap" offers an engaging ride, it ultimately lacks the cohesion and narrative payoff that fans of Shyamalan's work might expect. The film is a worthwhile watch for those interested in psychological thrillers and character-driven stories, but it may not leave a lasting impression.

TRAP opens in theaters nationwide on August 2nd, 2024.

Rating: 3 out of 5
Daniel SchwartzDaniel Schwartz (Contributor) is a New Jersey native who loves watching movies. His favorite genres include action, comedies, and sci-fi.

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