Deadpool & Wolverine brings together the two superheroes known for not fitting in with the category’s typical personalities. The film takes this outlook on a chaotically funny journey with unexpected turns along the way. Can Deadpool & Wolverine revive the superhero genre?

As the first R-rated film of the MCU universe, Deadpool & Wolverine lives up to it by pushing the line to the maximum. Between the foul-mouth Wade Wilson and alcohol-toting Wolverine, we get to see a one-of-a-kind bromance that gets audiences to laugh, gasp, and get misty-eyed like we did together so often during the heyday of superhero movies.
Speaking of, the superhero fatigue many began to feel is buried during the 128-minute runtime. The Adamantium skeletons of the duo take the movie’s fight scenes to a new level and deliver an action-packed summer blockbuster. This along with the soundtrack and cameos gives a meta experience worth watching on the big screen.

The fourth wall-breaking, meta plot does come with its shortfalls as some questions were left unanswered. Wolverine and other characters do their best to get a word in but Deadpool’s gift of gab does get draining to the plot.
Despite this, Deadpool & Wolverine is worth watching again and again to catch scenes you might have missed from laughing so hard. Be sure to stay after the movie for a post-credit scene.
DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE is in theaters on July 26th, 2024.
Rating: 4 out of 5

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