MoonKnight is here and I was lucky enough to see 4 of the 6 episodes a little early to give you all my thoughts on the series so far with NO SPOILERS!

Oscar Isaac leads the series as a man with multiple personalities! One is a British gift shop employee; the other is an American mercenary. Oh and don’t forget, their body has been cursed by an Egyptian God and they now must do his bidding. Isaac gives this role his all and it most definitely pays off. Ethan Hawke is our antagonist of the series, who is inspired by cult leaders throughout history. He also has knowledge and connections to this new world of Egyptian Gods in the MCU, and I’m very excited to see where this leads us!
When it comes to the story, I think the first two episodes really knock it out of the park. The back and forth between Oscar Isaac’s multiple personalities, mixed with the new knowledge of what this side of the world could give us, it truly is a ton of fun. Episodes 3 and 4 push the story forward but I do think they struggle a little bit when comparing them to the first 2 episodes. It seems like writing and direction lose the certainty for what this show is supposed to be, and you can feel it in the edit. Also, it does seem like budget might have been an issue for the project. While plenty VFX looks incredible, you will occasionally see a quick cut to avoid a VFX shot at all, or just a flat out early 2000s looking mess. Where episode 4 ends, I can honestly say I have no idea what could be coming next, but I’m very excited to see what this show may become!

Let us know what you think about MoonKnight as you see each episode! This seems to be Marvel taking some big risks, and I really hope they pay off!
'Moon Knight' will air weekly on Disney+ beginning March 30th, 2022.

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