You can now own 'House of Gucci' from Universal Pictures Home Entertainment! Comment below your thoughts on the movie for your chance at Bluray DVD!
House of Gucci is the film inspired by the true story of Patrizia Reggiani (Lady Gaga)’s marriage into the Gucci family. As Reggiani embarks on her social climb, the Gucci family experiences a twisting rise with deceit, vengeance and murder threatening their legacy. Can the House of Gucci live up to its luxurious name?
The film jumps into the backstory of Reggiani very quickly and moves forward to show the depths of her ambition. Along the way, the audience gets to see an all-star cast portraying the Gucci’s including Al Pacino, Jeremy Irons and Adam Driver. It is interesting to connect the well-known cast with the lesser-known individual members of the Guccis. The cast highlighted their ranks within the family in a way that was easy to pick up.
That being said, the Gucci personalities shown were vastly different. Some so much in a way that it feels like the cast is not on the same page of what House of Gucci’s genre is. Many scenes were distracting because some characters appeared to be in a drama while others were in a comedy, all in the same scene. This added with the blaring music transitions was enough to take away from the glimmer of the film’s potential.
Once the distractions set in, House of Gucci remains enjoyable from a costuming and cinematography viewpoint. The wardrobe delivers a history lesson of how fashion transitioned over the years. It does not disappoint among the runtime that begins to drag the story along toward the end. The other history lesson contains in the plot of how far toxic, unchecked ambition can go gets buried underneath.
The A-list cast is a big draw for House of Gucci but isn’t enough to make the film memorable. The imbalanced genres and jarring transitions take away from the fashion powerhouse the movie displayed.
Rating: 2.5 out of 5

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