Dolittle is in theaters on January 17th, 2020.
Dolittle is a film starring Robert Downey Jr. as Dr. John Dolittle set in Queen Victoria’s England. After a tragedy, Dolittle becomes totally eccentric and shut off from the world. This comes to a halt when the queen falls ill and needs his help to save her life. Can his adventure bring new life to this already told story?
At first glance, Dolittle is fun and exciting. The eye-catching visuals are enough to grab the audience’s attention as soon as the movie starts. The jokes that come shortly after pull the audience in even more. Hearing familiar voices from actors like John Cena, Octavia Spencer and Tom Holland is a nice addition to the mix.
This excitement of the possibility of this being a movie to remember died down however about midway through. The dialogue became dull and the story felt rushed and heavy with its many directions. By the time it got to the end, I was relieved at how short the movie turned out to be.
Dolittle is a movie where you should go in with low expectations so you can feel satisfied. Despite its humor, it is not enough to make up for the plot that takes viewers on a journey all over the place. If you are invested in the story though, stay until midway through the credits for an extra scene.
Rating: 2 out of 5

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