Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is in theaters on December 20th, 2019.
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker is the final installment in The Skywalker
Saga, and this review will include NO SPOILERS to ensure that you have the best experience you
possibly can in the theater.
Currently, there is a craze happening in the online fandom, between people that didn’t
like this film, people that did, and people that haven’t seen it but are taking other’s words as
their own to join the fight. I urge you to hold off on reading too much of other people’s
thoughts before seeing the film, but I will do my best to be worthy of your read, without
sounding like I’m trying to lean you one or another.
The Rise of Skywalker is busy. It’s a jam-packed fantasy adventure, beginning to end,
and I had a ton of fun with it. Especially in the first half when the whole crew is together,
because this script really enhances the quips and dialogue going back and forth. The second
half is where the gears really start moving and you better hold on for the ride, because it’s
going to get crazy!
Rey and Kylo Ren lead this film. Some time has passed since the last film, both have
grown into their own, but they still share the connection introduced in The Last Jedi. As that
film showed, they are perfect equals in the force, so although very different in nature, they also
have much in common when comparing themselves to the rest of the galaxy. Daisy Ridley and
Adam Driver really shine in this one. Their interactions as well as their performances in general
are their best in the series. They both have a ton to do in this film, and neither actor shied away
from the task.
Leia is also back. Although Carrie Fisher sadly passed away, this film is taking unused
footage from The Force Awakens and forming her arc around it, and I must say I was pretty
impressed. Towards the end of the film I felt the arc may have been rushed, but with the
entirety of the character being handicapped the way that it was, I’m happy with the outcome.
The Rise of Skywalker is fun, action-packed, emotional, and a worthy conclusion to this
trilogy, and succeeds for the most part at being a conclusion to all nine films. Most of my
criticisms deal with the fact that each movie in this trilogy have been so disconnected. Although
there are callbacks, this film feels more like a sequel to The Force Awakens than The Last Jedi,
leaving much of the lore that was developed in that film behind to create its own ideas.
Overall, I left the theater incredibly happy and satisfied. This film takes risks that landed
for me and hopefully land for most other people, but I commend the filmmakers for taking
them, even if the plot feels almost like a teenage fan’s list of desires in a Star Wars film.
Definitely check this one out in theaters and on the biggest screen you can find.
Hopefully the general audience doesn’t take it as seriously as some of the toxic fandom has
already. This film is meant to be a fun, fantasy adventure, and I believe it accomplished that
Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
Rating: 4.5 out of 5

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