Zombieland: Double Tap is in theaters on October 18th, 2019.
Zombieland Double Tap, with all its cheap laughs, was disspointing overall. It felt very predictable from start to finish and got very boring very quickly. The story line was so disappointing. I feel like the writers could have done better. I felt like they just slapped a bunch of text together and jotted it on paper and then just turned it into Zombieland Double Tap. The plot is paper thin, I had a good time nonetheless returning to these characters. I think if people keep their expectations in check they’ll have a fun time at the movie theater, but that’s just me!
Zombieland Double Tap has a lot of pop culture references, some of those feel forced. There is not much "story" to it, it's basically more of the same characters in that universe, their arcs either doesn't exist or are absolutely rushed. I am generally very skeptical of late comedy sequels like Anchormsn 2, Dumb and Dumber 2 etc - always smell of laziness and desperation.
Rating: 2 out of 5

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