Spider-Man: Far From Home is in theaters on July 2nd, 2019.
Spider-Man: Far From Home is Sony’s latest Spider-Man starring Tom Holland. He goes on an international school trip to study art and finally plans to tell MJ how he feels about her. Nick Fury has other plans when intergalactic villains began to threaten Europe. Can Sony create another Spider-Man film that is one to be remembered?
Having the same characters return to the film helps the audience to get invested quickly into the story if they have watched the previous movies. The characters require little introduction and instead the film is able to jump right into the story. Compared to the first, this allows Far From Home to have more action and fight scenes. It does follow the MCU after Endgame so I definitely recommend you watch that one first if you have not already or you are taking a huge risk of seeing spoilers.
What I think works the best about Far From Home is that Sony has found its niche in the film world by playing up the feeling of video games, comic books and reality and an almost perfect balance. More so than other superhero films, this one relies heavily on the tones of a comic book making it entertaining, suspenseful and enjoyable. It takes viewers back to the days of innocence and makes everything seem less complicated than others like it. There are times in the movie where it seems to drag out these moments but it does not ruin the overall feeling that Tom Holland is arguably one of the best Spider-Mans the big screen seen thus far.
Spider-Man: Far From Home is one of those movies you need to see you ASAP. Not just because of how entertaining it is but also because it is going to be one of the most talked about films of the summer. Make sure to stick around during the end credits for two post-movie scenes!
Rating: 4 out of 5

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