As Once Upon a Time in Hollywood hit theaters over the weekend, the quintessential debate over which film is Tarantino’s best ultimately reignites. Before seeing his 9th movie, I’m offering my ranked list of Tarantino films:
8. Death Proof – To be fair this is the only Tarantino film I’ve actually never seen, so I gotta rank it last. Sorry!
7. Jackie Brown – Pam Grier was a certified badass after this movie. I loved that it was a strong female lead, but I only saw it once a long time ago.
6. Reservoir Dogs – This one put Tarantino on the MAP.
5. The Hateful Eight – I get a lot of debate for ranking this higher than others. I really enjoyed this one – maybe more than everyone else. Channing Tatum jumping out of a hidden trap door was amazing.
4. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 & 2 – I LOVE Uma Thurman and I loved these fight scenes! All for a Kill Bill Vol. 3.
3. Pulp Fiction – Reservoir Dogs put Tarantino on the map, but Pulp Fiction set Tarantino up as a legend.
2. Django Unchained – That Leonardo DiCaprio scene at the dinner table. Unreal. Enough said.
1. Inglourious Basterds – I go back and forth between Django and Inglourious Basterds pretty often. I appreciate them both. Currently thought, I’m loving Inglourious Basterds a little more. Brad Pitt talking about Nazi scalps, Bridget von Hammersmark, “Au revoir, Shoshanna!” I mean… it’s a classic!

9. Death Proof
8. Jackie Brown
7. Reservoir Dogs
6. The Hateful Eight
5. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 & 2
4. Pulp Fiction
3. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
2. Django Unchained
1. Inglourious Basterds

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