Halston is in select theaters on May 31st, 2019.
Halston is the documentary of successful American designer Roy Halston Frowick. As
documentaries go, Halton surpassed my expectations.
During the 70’s Halston was the name on the street, everybody wanted his designs. He was on
the come up and he reached it, everyone knew who he was, and his designs were innovative,
captivating, and alluring. Every person wanted to be dressed by him, and Halston wanted to dress
them all.
Halston had stuck mainly to women's fashion but as he gained more popularity, he began to dip
his feet into other ponds and expanded his reach so far as design bedding, perfume, menswear,
and what lead to his demise; clothing for EVERYONE. When Haston top-notch fashion designer
signed with a retail company and made his design available to the public, havoc wreaked.
This interesting documentary is told through a fictional narrator to pull the story together and
give it a more theatrical feel in my opinion. The documentary as documentaries do, included
interviews made with people who knew and worked with Halston. It was set in a way that would
entertain anyone coming in even without knowing the name Halston. I really enjoyed it, but
wouldn't recommend it for anyone who bores easily, a couple yawns escaped my mouth during
the film. Again as documentaries go this one is definitely one of my favourites, it was very
interesting and informative.
Rating: 4 out of 5

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