Dark Phoenix is in theaters on June 7th, 2019.
X-Men : Dark Phoenix, the last official X-Men saga movie (New Mutant possible last Fox’s X-Men movie
but storyline won’t be much related to other x-men movies from Fox) for Fox’s 19 years of X-Men saga
just released. Personally I really liked Fox’s X-Men saga which was very different from MCU’s tone. X-
Men universe was always more dramatic, and had much serious (darker) tone (like discrimination on
mutants, rights that portrays current realistic issue in our world). Ideology conflict between Magento and
Professor X was always charming, their mixed relationship (such as friend and enemy) was very
fascinating. Also watching all different mutants’ abilities always entertained us.
Especially I really liked X-Men prequel franchise because First Class and Days of Future Past were so
great and they were two of the best X-Men movies. Also cast was wonderful, James McAvoy and
Michael Fassbender were perfect young Professor X and Magneto. Their charismatic performance
always added much more spice and dramatic power in the movie. Therefore I really hoped a lot in this
movie to be good.
After I got out from the theater, I didn’t know how should I express this feeling of disappointment. Yes I
was worried about Simon Kinberg who is talented producer of X-Men for long time but I wasn’t sure that
he can handle this big blockbuster as director (especially this is first movie that he directed). And overall
script, action sequences, way that treats characters, and storytelling were bad.
Overall movie’s tone is very dark as other X-Men movie. This movie does not contain humor much, that
means storytelling and drama should be the two factor that leads the movie but, overall I felt movie
seemed very rush to go to next act, but also somehow I felt boring, and way the story flow, way the
character reacts to the issues, and those scenes and cuts were not properly flow. I did not feel like I am
watching movie but maybe watching TV drama.
Also I really really hated how they treat all these beloved characters. If you watched X-Men’s Logan or
MCU’s Avengers: Endgame, you will know what I mean. They respected those beloved characters very
well (because this can be spoiler so I won’t mention anymore) but, in this movie I do not see any respect
for those important few characters who has been lead this franchise.
In addition, actions sequences were disappointing as well. Of course there were few great sequences but
it was too short and not enough. Movie’s scale seemed much smaller than DOFP, Apocalypse and even
smaller than First Class. I thought that this could be spin-off sized movie, but not as main X-Men saga
(and especially for last X-Men finale).
The only con, only great thing about this movie was great performance from the cast. McAvoy,
Fassbender, Hault, Sophie Turner and more, they did great job and showed great performance, but… the
way characters and their emotional development seemed very lack and not making harmony with story
(and I felt that script was very bad).
I feel that maybe I could have enjoyed it if this movie was spin-off or solo movie of one of the X-Men but
as FINALE, last movie of whole X-Men Saga, I am furious. I felt that characters does not treated well
enough as Logan or Avengers. They deserved much much better, and I really feel bad that I cannot see
this great cast anymore.
I know that it is almost impossible to happen but really hoping that MCU keeps the Fox’s X-Men
cast. I really wish to see James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender’s Professor X and Magneto with
their charismatic performance in MCU.
Rating: 1.5 out of 5

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