Pet Sematary is in theaters on April 5th, 2019.
When the Creed family movies to a small town they discover it’s not what they thought it would be. Lewis Creed (Jason Clarke) takes a job as a doctor at a local college, the family moves from Boston to slow down a bit and enjoy their lives.
Little do they know their land also has a haunted Native American burial ground that can bring back the dead. When tragedy befalls the family, Lewis makes a lot of bad decisions and it leads to their demise.
Jeté Laurence plays the daughter, Eleanor. She is a wonderful actress and I was very impressed with her delivery! John Lithgow is the lovable neighbor, Jud - it’s hard not to like everything he is in. Amy Seimetz is Lewis’ wife - Rachel, who is haunted by the tragic death of her sister. That was definitely one of the most terrifying things I’ve ever seen in a movie.
If you’re a horror movie buff or just like being scared, this movie will appeal to anyone. There’s not a lot of cursing or sexual content which is common for horror movies. I thought that was nice for a change. I love scary movies and thought it was great - plus there’s an adorable cat!
Rating: 4 out of 5

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