Avengers: Endgame is in theaters on April 25th, 2019.
Avengers: Endgame is the greatest theatrical experience of my life. With that being said,
this review will be completely spoiler free, and therefor very vague. I apologize if after this
review you have no idea what’s going to happen in this movie, but that’s honestly the point.
Avengers: Endgame is the culmination of 22 films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and
is being marketed as the conclusion to “The Infinity Saga.” What happens to these characters
after half of the universe gets turned to dust? Endgame takes us on a journey with our core
Avengers, to move on in this new universe, or figure out a way to reverse the outcome.
Endgame is most definitely for fans of the MCU, by including details from almost all the
past franchises seamlessly, and monstrous fan service moments throughout the film. We dive
deeper into each character and I appreciate taking the time to do so in comparison to the
constant action of Infinity War.
With that being said, the action in Endgame is nothing to overlook. The entire third act
of this movie is possibly the greatest hour in comic book film history. The action is not only a
masterpiece to look at, but it tells a story in itself, putting these characters hearts on their
sleeves and fighting for what they love. Nothing is worse than where these characters are right
now, and they’ll do whatever it takes to make things right.
The standouts of the movie in my eyes are Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Chris Evans
(Captain America), and Karen Gillan (Nebula). These actors bring everything to their roles, and it
shows wholeheartedly on the screen. These characters mean just as much to the actors as they
do to us fans, and with Tony and Cap leading the Avengers team, and Nebula being the only
surviving daughter of Thanos, these characters get many powerful moments.
Overall, Endgame is everything I could have wanted and more. I went in with
expectations far too high, and had them shattered, nonetheless. I understand this “review” isn’t
much, but if you are a fan of these movies at all, you need to see Avengers: Endgame in
theaters. It may not be an artsy Oscar film, or a hilarious comedy, but what this film does as the
book end to a 22-film arc, while still leaving areas open for future installments, is an absolute
This film made me laugh, it made me tear up multiple times, and it made me scream as
loud as I could in a theater full of strangers. This film is like nothing you’ve ever seen before,
and I can guarantee that you have no idea what is coming.
Rating: 4.75 out of 5

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