Avengers: Endgame is in theaters on April 25th, 2019.
Agent Phil Coulson once said, “The world is full of evil and lies and pain and death, and you can’t hide
from it; you can only face it. The question is, when you do – How do you respond? Who do you
become?”. Avengers: Endgame is how our beloved heroes respond and who they become afterwards.
This movie is packed to the brim and overflowing with emotion, nostalgia, and most important of all,
hope. It provides hope and excitement for the future of Marvel. It proves that if our heroes can come
back from the events that occurred in Avengers: Infinity War, then everything can be okay again.
Marvel fans have waited almost a year to know what happens next. We have stayed up watching
countless hours of conspiracy videos, predictions, and breakdowns of trailers. We have analyzed
interviews and panels to catch any faint hint at a spoiler. We have consulted each other and we have
debated each other. It has finally come to the moment that a years worth of late nights, conversations,
and excitement has paid off. We entered the endgame.
It is hard for me to write this and not want to burst out and tell you everything. I want to confirm and
deny things. I want to tell you we got some things right and some wrong. The only things I can say are
this: go watch the movie, don’t spoil it for anyone, and most importantly have fun. Have fun! Laugh
because of the classic humor that always seems perfectly placed and executed. Cry because these
characters mean something to you. Cheer because you can’t help but to let out your excitement and
enthusiasm! Now go out and truly enjoy yourselves with Avengers: Endgame and remember not to spoil
a single thing for anyone!
Rating: 5 out of 5

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