Arctic is in select theaters on February 22nd, 2019.
Arctic is a quiet movie with very few words, as there is no one to talk to when you’re all
alone in the open arctic. A plane crash left one man all alone somewhere near the North Pole.
Stranded and doing all he can to keep himself alive in the cold, Mads Mikkelsen (Overgard) put
his knowledge and skills to good use. Mads came so close to being saved not just once, but
twice! One of those close attempts ended in another drastic plane crash. This ends up changing
his entire routine. As you continue to root for Mads to make it out of the arctic, you can’t help
but to wonder how he hasn’t given up yet.
One bad thing after another, yet Mads continues to stay strong. Fending off wildlife and
using his resources scarcely is what gets him through. You will definitely be frustrated at times
while watching this film. Like, how did those people NOT see or hear him? However, all things
come to an end. Whether the film ends on a positive note or not, is for you to decide. I was really
hoping for some affirmation after the movie, like most movies about stranded people. Telling the
rest of the story at the end like “so and so made it out alive and went on to become...” However,
you don’t get that here. So don’t expect to find out what ends up happening to the characters
after-the-fact, because you won’t. Granted, this isn’t based on any true story.
To me, this movie was just like every other survival movie except this one doesn’t get
boring for some reason. You still wanted to keep watching and waiting to find out what happens
next. It was so simple, yet so mysterious. Although Mads was doing absolutely everything right,
as opposed to what we usually see, nothing was going his way. I enjoyed this film and think
many others will too. But I must warn you, do not go in expecting something super exciting. This
is a very simple film based on one man’s survival tactics on a day to day basis.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Kelsi (Contributor) raised in Toledo and has been an avid moviegoer since she was little. In her down time you can always find her outdoors enjoying nature or catching up on the latest Netflix series! She’s a huge fan of thrillers, horrors, and comedies.
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