Glass is in theaters on January 18th, 2019.
*Contains spoilers!
I have been waiting for Glass to come out ever since I saw M. Night Shyamalan tie Unbreakable into Split
back in 2016. I loved both movies and LOVED that he surprised us with David Dunn at the end of Split. I
was so pumped when the previews for Glass came out. Making this a trilogy AND adding Sarah Paulson?
What could go wrong? Apparently, everything could. I was SO disappointed with this movie I don’t even
know where to begin.
M. Night Shyamalan spent over half the movie trying to describe the importance of comic books – how
they are parallel with the real world, the structures of them, just everything there is to know and
reiterate about comic books. Instead, he could have been building a better plot. The general basis of the
plot is that Mr. Glass, David Dunn, & Kevin Wendell Crumb (and his 23 personalities) have all been
captured and contained in a psychiatric facility under a 72-hour hold from Sarah Paulson’s character, Dr.
Ellie Staple. (I honestly didn’t think there was a way to make me dislike Sarah Paulson, but Glass sure did
find a way.) Her character starts out telling them how ridiculous comic books are and how crazy they all
sound, while the 3 of them are desperately trying to escape. Obviously, as all this unfolds, madness
ensues. Things started off interesting, with the awesome twist that Kevin’s dad was on the Eastrail 177
train crash caused by Mr. Glass that also set off the chain of events for David Dunn, but tapered off as
the full reveal is that Sarah Paulson is secretly part of some anti-superhero secret society (never
explained, but they all have clover tattoos for some reason) and she has them all kill David Dunn, Mr.
Glass & Kevin. They killed David Dunn – the PROTAGANIST at the same time as Mr. Glass and Kevin and
we’re supposed to feel sad for all of them? David Dunn, the entire point of this series, was reduced to
being drowned in a puddle. Unbelievable.
I also HATED what they did to the lone survivor from split – Casey Cooke, played by Anya Taylor-Joy. As
soon as she is told he’s been captured, she runs to the facility and tries to save him, even HUGS him.
What is going on? In Split, Kevin/The Beast literally mutilated her friends and only let her survive
because he noticed she was being abused and was therefore “pure”. Are we all just rooting for
Stockholm Syndrome now? The true “purpose” of all of this happening was to shed light on
superheroes, and Mr. Glass exposes the footage of David Dunn fighting “The Beast” to the world –
thwarting Dr. Staple and her secret society’s mission to keep it quiet. All 3 deaths are meant to be part
of the bigger picture of superheroes… that the world can see they exist and believe in something…
however, it’s 2019. In today’s world, that video would have gone viral for an hour, and then an egg on
Instagram would gain more likes and followers and we’d move on.
I cannot explain how disappointed I was in this movie. I went in SO excited and I was thoroughly let
down. For anyone else who also thought this was M. Night Shyamalan’s comeback tour, we were dead
wrong. I’m writing this review with spoilers for anyone who has already seen it and needs to vent as
well. If you loved Unbreakable and Split and haven’t seen Glass yet… Don’t.
Rating: 1.5 out of 5 – solely for the cast and SOME good twists
#JusticeForDavidDunn #DavidDunnDeservedBetter

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