Bohemian Rhapsody is in theaters on November 2nd, 2018.
A chronicle of the years leading up to Queen's legendary
appearance at the Live Aid (1985) concert.
To begin with Rami Malek, who played Freddie Mercury, did such
an incredible job. From the first moment we saw him jump on a
stage it felt like he gave it his all. He left absolutely everything he
had out on the field when it came to his performance with this film
and he one hundred percent blew me away. Not to mention he
looked absolutely fantastic and seemed like he captured his
essence amazingly.
I was a little bit surprised at how funny the movie was. Not that it
was a comedy in any way but there were a lot of jokes made. I
feel like that is important to a film like this because essentially a
band is a bunch of friends just making music together and doing
something you love. So I feel like the decision to make the script as funny as it was, was
honestly a very wise decision. It stopped the jokes when needed but when the tone wasn’t so
serious it was able to pick back up rather well.
Some serious props need to go to the sound editing/mixing team. Whenever we got to see a
concert live it felt like you were there with them. You ended up with this energy with the songs
and the band that just really made you feel like they were right there with you and it paid off
extremely well.
I didn’t expect to see so much of the actual song making process of the band but God was I so
happy with how it turned out. I think being able to watch a band or an artist make their music is
what fans of those artists really want. And that was what we got with so many classic Queen
songs. And more than that it was just fun to watch them create these masterpieces that have
stood the test of time.
I have heard that the ending of this movie has had some controversy. And I will say that the
ending is a bit like straight fan service. But that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Especially when
you look into how true to reality the cast tried to get with the concert I felt like it was extremely
well done.
Overall a phenomenal film that I will more than likely be seeing again.
Rating: 4 out of 5

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