Mind on Movies is very excited to announce that we are working with Comet TV on a November GIVEAWAY: Teen Wolf & Freaky Feast Pack!

November is here and what better time to think about friends, family and feasts? This month COMET TV is dishing out all kinds of supernatural goodness!
The Friday Night Movies feature Cowboys VS Dinosaurs and Vampires! Who knew Cowboys could kick the undead’s butt as well as prehistoric reptiles? Then we have the Jeff Bridges classic Starman and head into Deep Space!
There are also classics like Teen Wolf, Mystery Science Theater 3000 and each week on COMET TV there’s a different theme! Vampires! Ghosts! Werewolves! Oh My!
On Thanksgiving Day, COMET TV has The Freaky Feast Movie Marathon featuring Superbeast, The Incredible Melting Man, Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf, The Video Dead, The Beast Within and Creature. Tune in for perfect pass-the-cranberry-sauce scenery.
And we want to give you the opportunity to have a Freaky Feast of your own all month long! The COMET TV November Freaky Feast Pack is perfect for a Horror-iffic gathering!
See the full COMET TV Line Up HERE
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