The seemingly endless road beckons. Well beyond exhausted, his body trudges onward—quitting is never an option. Aiming toward the finish line of another transcontinental race, he senses his prize this time is much greater than any medal or honor. Every step leads him closer to home.Based on a true marriage journey, EXTRAORDINARY tells the amazing story of ultra-marathon runner and college professor David Horton, his wife, Nancy, and their attempt to finish their marriage race well.
EXTRAORDINARY was created and produced by Liberty University’s film program. The movie features Leland Klassen (Alter Egos), Shari Rigby (October Baby), Karen Abercrombie (War Room), and Kirk Cameron (Fireproof).
Following the film, see an encouraging discussion on marriage.

R: September 7th, 2017 | R: 102 minutes | R: PG