In War for the Planet of the Apes, the third chapter of the critically acclaimed blockbuster franchise, Caesar and his apes are forced into a deadly conflict with an army of humans led by a ruthless Colonel. After the apes suffer unimaginable losses, Caesar wrestles with his darker instincts and begins his own mythic quest to avenge his kind. As the journey finally brings them face to face, Caesar and the Colonel are pitted against each other in an epic battle that will determine the fate of both their species and the future of the planet.
WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES is in Theaters on July 14th, 2017.
Select Cities Below.
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- San Francisco - AMC Van Ness 14
- Chicago - AMC River East 21
- New York - AMC Loews Lincoln Square 13
- Aventura - AMC Aventura 24
- Atlanta - Regal Atlantic Station 18 IMAX & RPX
- Washington - Regal Gallery Place Stadium 14
- Cherry Hill - AMC Loews Cherry Hill 24
- Dallas - AMC NorthPark 15
- Burbank - AMC Burbank 16
- Toronto - Cineplex Cinemas Yonge-Dundas and VIP
- Vancouver - Scotiabank Theatre Vancouver
- Houston - Edwards Houston Marq'E Stadium 23 IMAX & RPX
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