Which Christmas Day movie should you actually see on Christmas Day?
There are five different movies being released today (Christmas Day). Here is the order in which you should see the movies staring with the one you should see to the one you shouldn't waste your time on.
#1 - Unbroken

Synopsis - After a near-fatal plane crash in WWII, Olympian Louis Zamperini spends a harrowing 47 days in a raft with two fellow crewmen before he's caught by the Japanese navy and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp.
Why should I see this? - If Angelina Jolie as the director isn't enough of a reason to go see this movie then it should be that it will make you experience every emotion you have. This movie has its good times and it has its bad. This is a must see movie for Christmas Day.
#2 - The Interview

Synopsis - Dave Skylark and producer Aaron Rapoport run the celebrity tabloid show "Skylark Tonight." When they land an interview with a surprise fan, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, they are recruited by the CIA to turn their trip to Pyongyang into an assassination mission.
Why should I see this? - Are you American? Then you better watch this movie. The real reason you need to see this is because of everything that happen with this movie, everyone will see this. If you don't end up watching this movie, you will be one of the few, you might as well move to North Korea.
#3 - The Gambler

Synopsis - Lit professor and gambler Jim Bennett's debt causes him to borrow money from his mother and a loan shark. Further complicating his situation is his relationship with one of his students. Will Bennett risk his life for a second chance?
Why should I see this? - Mark Wahlberg not only stars in The Gambler but he also Produced it. This is the performance we all deserve from Mark Wahlberg. Only see this if you have not see the other two films above.
#4 - Big Eyes

Synopsis - A drama about the awakening of the painter Margaret Keane, her phenomenal success in the 1950s, and the subsequent legal difficulties she had with her husband, who claimed credit for her works in the 1960s.
Why should I see this? - Not only is this movie based on true events, but it is also directed from Tim Burton. This tripy movie is one you will want to see in the theater, and then again at home when it is released to one of the big movie channels (HBO, Showtime).
#5 - Into The Woods

Synopsis - A witch tasks a childless baker and his wife with procuring magical items from classic fairy tales to reverse the curse put on their family tree.
Why should I see this? - Well... you shouldn't. It's that simple. This movie will remind you of every Disney movie, until the last twenty minutes of the movie. Remember to only see this if you have not seen one of the top four movies listed above.
Comment below on what movie you want to see.