Mind on Movies has your passes to see a free movie Tuesday August 13th in Bloomfield Hills.
'The Trials of Muhammad Ali' covers Ali's toughest bout: his battle to
overturn a five-year prison sentence for refusing US military service in
Vietnam. Prior to becoming the most recognizable face on earth, Cassius
Clay became Muhammad Ali and found himself in the crosshairs of
conflicts concerning race, religion, and wartime dissent. 'Trials'
zeroes in on the most controversial years of Ali's life, when an
emerging sports superhero chooses faith and conscience over fame and
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The Trials of Muhammad Ali Screening Info

The free screening of The Trials of Muhammad Ali will take place at The Maple Theater in Bloomfield Hills, MI at 7:30pm on Tuesday, August 13th.
Contest Rules: Only enter if you live in Michigan. Winners will be chosen at random and seating is on a 1st
come 1st serve basis. Please arrive early, but there is no need to arrive crazy early. Winners will be notified on Monday August 12th. Enjoy the film if you win.
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